Dev C++ Keep Console Window Open

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Nov 07, 2019  This appeared to flick the console window open and closed again. My question is. What do I need to do to keep the console window open till I press a key when running the.exe file (as it does when I select 'start without debuging' within Visual Studio)? Ie how can I keep the console window open to see if my program works? Walkthrough: Create a traditional Windows Desktop application (C); 14 minutes to read +3; In this article. This walkthrough shows how to create a traditional Windows desktop application in Visual Studio. The example application you'll create uses the Windows API to display 'Hello, Windows desktop!'

I'm starting out in Visual C and I'd like to know how to keep the console window. For instance this would be a typical 'hello world' application: int tmain(int argc, TCHAR. argv) cou. Stack Overflow. How to keep the console window open in Visual C? Ask Question Asked 11 years, 3 months ago. Active 1 year ago. I'm programming in 'C', and using the Dev.C v4 compiler. On set up I've unchecked the box:'Compile for win32 (no console'). For new projects I choose console apps. How do I keep the console window open? Thank you, Adock.

Get latest updates about Open Source Projects, Conferences and News. Sign Up No, Thank you No, Thank you. Aug 25, 2010 How to stop the output console from closing after running your C program. C Beginner's Tutorial: Pausing a console program the right. C how to keep output window open in Visual Studio.


/3utools.html. Sets the height and width of the console window to the specified values.

Visual Studio Open Console Window

Dev C++ Keep Console Window Open



The width of the console window measured in columns.


The height of the console window measured in rows.


width or height is less than or equal to zero.


Dev C++ Keep Console Window Openers

width plus WindowLeft or height plus WindowTop is greater than or equal to MaxValue.



width or height is greater than the largest possible window width or height for the current screen resolution and console font.

The user does not have permission to perform this action.

An I/O error occurred.

The current operating system is not Windows.


This example demonstrates the SetWindowSize method, and the WindowWidth and WindowHeight properties. You must run the example to see the full effect of changing the console window size.

The example reports the dimensions of a console window set to 85 columns and 43 rows, then waits for a key to be pressed. When any key is pressed, the dimensions of the console window are halved, the new dimensions are reported, and the example waits for another key press. Finally, when any key is pressed, the console window is restored to its original dimensions and the example terminates.

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